June 27, 2019
Late Wake Up & Pool Parties!
By Pamela Nestor

Everyone got a little extra sleep this morning and headed to breakfast after our late wake-up. We ate donuts, scrambled eggs, and fruit. The weather was absolutely beautiful today! We headed to activities after breakfast and schticks around the flagpole. Some Kineret cabins went horseback riding and got to welcome the newest member of EKC, a small brown and white pony named Splash! Other campers headed down to the lake to soak up some sun while tubing.
Sam, a Sabra camper, said his favorite thing to do at camp is ceramics. He just finished making a minion; He explained once he has painted it, he’s going to name it Bob. Sabra campers also joined Teen 2 campers for a Big Brother/ Big Sister day trip to Chestnut Ridge today! They ate lunch out of camp and spent the day swimming in the lake and doing activities.
Teens made string paintings in Arts and Crafts today. They dipped the strings in watercolor paint and dragged them across a paper for unique and colorful designs! Halutzim boys were in the Playhouse practicing their observational skills in Drama. When the period ended, we chowed down on cheese pizza, crispy curly fries, and the salad bar!
The Teens spent the beginning of last night in the pool for the Teen Pool Party! They played games, listened to music, and had a belly flop contest! Tonight, Sabra campers will have their pool party, and Kineret boys will have their undernight by the lake. Halutzim campers will head out to Swaney’s for roller skating! J&R Day Campers are also spending the night with us!
For dinner we had spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread and the salad bar! We celebrated Lucy Firman’s birthday and loved watching her skip around the room!
Halutzim is so excited for their overnight Tiyulim trip to Blackwater Falls tomorrow! The weather is going to be as beautiful there tomorrow as it was here today!