June 19, 2019
A Surprise Guest!
By Pamela Nestor

After a tasty breakfast of donuts, bagels, cereal, and fruit, we assembled for schticks around the flagpole. We cheered as the SITs performed a group dance before their lunchtime departure for Israel. We sang a few songs and then it was off to activities!
Kineret spent some time at the barn learning the basics of riding, like how to saddle and hoist themselves onto the horses. We also had a very surprise guest in the ballfields today!! Batman came all the way from Gotham to help teach archery, catch for whiffle ball, and show Halutzim boys how it’s done in soccer! We hope he makes another appearance this summer!!
For lunch, we chowed down on flatbread cheese pizza, french fries, and the salad bar. Afterwards, Quad 5 teens headed to arts and crafts where they drew artistic self-portraits, while Circle 2 customized a parachute for games in their cabin!
Auditions for Suessical the Musical were also today! Campers who wanted to be in the play met up in the Playhouse with Martin to run through the first song and dance routine, as well as read a few lines from the script. Roles will be announced tomorrow afternoon!
The Halutzim Olympics started tonight! Our 7th and 8th grade campers will compete in various competitions over the next 4 weeks in hopes of winning an Olympic Medal.
The weather could not have been more beautiful! Tomorrow some Kineret campers will set off on an overnight Tiyulim trip, what an adventure!