June 19, 2019
Another Busy Day, but with Robots!
By Pamela Nestor

There’s no better way to start the morning than with a breakfast of french toast sticks, fruit, and cereal! After eating our fills, we headed off to activities, including hockey, basketball, drama, and arts and crafts!
Lunch was chicken gyros, french fries, and salad bar, and we celebrated Noah Strauss’ birthday! In arts and crafts after lunch, Halutzim boys in Park 6 worked together to build a robot using wooden blocks and “found objects,” which are recycled items found around camp. They also used wire, hot glue, and cotton balls. Park 7 built their robots individually or in pairs. One group even built a transformer robot that changes from one robot to another!
Halutzim stayed busy today with a pageant! Campers dressed their counselors up and created characters and backstories for them. Then they presented their counselors pageant-style on the stage of the Playhouse, clapping to vote for the best dressed.
Tonight Sabra had their first Sikkum story time. All of our Sabra campers and staff gathered in the Sukkah for story time with guest reader, Danny Trompeter. They cuddled under their pillows and blankets and enjoyed brownies for snack, all while listening to a story and watching it projected on the big screen! After that it was off to bed. The Sabras need some extra rest to get ready to meet their Teen Big Brothers and Sisters tomorrow!
Our basketball and hockey leagues also began tonight. As well as teen night life on the upper ball fields!
Tomorrow is an exciting day! The SITs depart for Israel today! The SIT unit head Hannah explained, “We have been bonding and enjoying our last few days as campers. We have practiced leadership skills, including observations of what the SITs will be doing when they return for Session 2.” This will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for this group. We will keep you updated on all the fun they are having!