B’Yachad Inclusion Program
Is EKC the right match for my child?
Qualified staff
Our staff is specially trained for the B’Yachad program. We have a full-time inclusion coordinator on site, as well as specially trained inclusion counselors, and a camper care team of mental health professionals. Our inclusion counselors receive a one-week intensive training program led by the JCC’s inclusion consultant, a licensed clinical social worker and our inclusion coordinator. This time is spent designing a camp experience that caters to your child. We strongly take into consideration the goals and interests of your child when planning for their camp experience.
At least once a week, you will receive a phone call from our inclusion coordinator regarding your child’s progress. We also post pictures through our photo app, Waldo, every evening. We feel it is important for you to hear about your child’s successes as they are happening.
Our inclusion coordinator will work with each family prior to camp to create a customized plan to ensureyour child has a successful experience. One we get to camp, we have an open call policy to help answer questions about how your child is doing. Families will always be able to reach our inclusion coordinator and should expect a call back within 12 hours (and 24 hours during Shabbat).
EKC also has access to the JCC’s inclusion consultant and can arrange for your child to communicate with their outside therapists and behavioral specialists
during their time at camp.
For more information, contact Aaron Cantor,
EKC Director, at 412-339-5412 or
7:40 am Boker tov (Good morning)
8:00 am Aruchat boker (Breakfast)
8:35 am Haramat ha-degel (Flag-raising)
8:50 am Morning nikayon (Cleanup)
9:30 am Instructional swim
10:30 am Ceramics
11:30 am Zipline
12:30 pm Aruchat Tzohoraim (Lunch)
1:20 pm Minucha (Rest hour)
2:30 pm Free swim
3:25 pm Nosh
3:50 pm Basketball
4:50 pm Blob and Rave
6:00 pm Aruchat Erev (Dinner)
7:00 pm Chugim (special programs)
8:20 pm Snack
8:45 pm Evening nikayon
9:15 pm Sikum (End of day activity)
9:30-11 pm Lila Tov (Good night)