July 5, 2019
Happy 4th of July!
By Rachael Speck

Happy 4th of July from EKC! We were so excited to wake up this morning and put on our red, white and blue. We enjoyed bagels and pancakes for breakfast and then headed off to decorate our cabins and enjoy some regular camp activities. At lunch, we sang, danced and cheered to some classic American songs and some of our favorite camp tunes too.
After rest hour, we paraded up to the upper ball fields for our 4th of July carnival! We had fortune telling, face painting, a photo booth, homerun derby and much more. Our favorite carnival activity was by far the dunk tank!
Our carnival was followed by free swim and popsicles. We got a little cut short due to some “heavy dew” but still got to have tons of fun. Tonight we have regular chugim and activities followed by apple pie and ice cream for dessert.
If you want to see more fun from our day, make sure you check out our Facebook and Instagram pages!
It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is our last Shabbat of the session already. Halutzim gets to challah bake tomorrow and Kineret heads out on a day trip to Laurel Caverns for mini-golf and caving! Our teens have an optional Tiyulim biking trip tomorrow. So much going on and all before Shabbat even starts!