March 22, 2019
Introducing EKC’s Revamped Outdoor Education Program, Tiyulim!
By Brooks Weaver

Camp is the ideal setting to teach kids about the importance of nature and the environment. We live in such a fast-paced technology-savvy world that can make us easily forget about our natural, often beautiful surroundings. As explained in this article by Project Learning Tree, there are so many benefits to educating kids about the environment.
At EKC, we have made this a priority for the upcoming summer. We are so excited to be launching our revamped outdoor education program, called Tiyulim, the Hebrew word for “journeys.” Tiyulim will include overnight camping trips, hikes and mountain biking on some of the most scenic camp sites in West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
We will teach critical outdoor survival skills such as shelter building, fire building, navigation, outdoor cooking and more. Our goal is to educate kids about nature and the environment by experiencing it on their own journey. So what will this journey look like? It’s more than just exploring new places; Tiyuls are journeys of the mind. Campers will have the opportunity to gain self-confidence, push their limits and build communities, all at their own pace in a nurturing and supportive environment. EKC’s trained and qualified staff will focus on safety and providing a fun environment for campers to explore that natural world, gain new skills and grow personally, all while teaching low impact practices.
So why Tiyulim at EKC? As we already know, American children and adolescents spend, on average, more than 7.5 hours each day using an electronic device. Tiyuls will further allow campers to decompress without the pressure of electronics while providing a break from the daily camp routine. But hiking, camping, and mountain biking don’t only have to happen at EKC during the summer. It is our hope that we can foster healthy, life-long experiences and habits that can be enjoyed outside of camp with friends and family.
Tiyuls will encourage self-exploration and creativity as campers are forced to step out of their comfort zone and try new things as they work through challenges such as how to navigate a hiking trail, roast a pizza over a campfire, or pitch a tent. Campers will gain a greater respect and appreciation for nature and learn new skills in the most rustic, natural environment.
Each age group at EKC will have different opportunities within the Tiyulim program. Campers will get to choose whether or not they want to participate in the various Tiyulim program offerings.
As famous philosopher, Lao Tzo, once said, “The journey of thousand miles begins with one step.” EKC’s journey begins this summer!
Brooks Weaver is Director of Programming, Emma Kaufmann Camp