June 17, 2019
Our First Full Day!!
By Pamela Nestor

The only thing better than the day campers arrive is the first full day of camp! We woke up this morning and headed to breakfast for eggs, oatmeal, cereal, and fruit. After schticks and singing at Flagpole, everyone headed off to activities until we reunited for a lunch of macaroni and cheese, waffle fries, and salad bar! Many of our campers started their first Chugim today! Some of our Chugim options include horseback riding, outdoor adventure; colorify camp, sports and more!
Since we had no rain today, our athletics fields were bustling. Campers played hockey, soccer, basketball, kickball with three cabin groups, whiffle ball, and ultimate Frisbee in the ballfields. Some of our Sabra campers learned archery for the very first time, which focused on drawing a bow and aiming at a target. Campers then met up in the dining hall for Dance Nosh! We hung out in the dining hall for snack and had a dance party!
Drama has also had a fun-filled day! EKC is fortunate to work with Mainstages, which is a company that provides us with our entire theatre program. Martin, our theatre specialist, worked with Halutzim and Teens playing a camp version of Shark Tank, where campers worked together to design and present an invention they would like to implement in camp, which will be showcased in the Playhouse. She also organized a role-playing strategy game for Kineret where campers got creative and customized their characters.
Then it was off to dinner for chicken, pasta, and falafel, as well as the salad bar and pita toppings. It’s been a fun-filled, first day of camp!
We’ve got a BIG week coming up! Our Teen/Sabra Big Brother Big Sister program kicks off soon. We’ve got our first Tiyulim trips going out this week. And the Kineret Pool Party! We can’t wait to tell you all about it!