June 26, 2019
Quite the Busy Day!
By Pamela Nestor

Today we woke up and enjoyed french toast balls, cereal, and fruit for breakfast before schticks at the flagpole. Then everyone headed out to activities! Teens played kickball and soccer; Kineret played tennis, volleyball, and went to archery; Halutzim went swimming and played basketball. Sabra was the first group to participate in the Spartan fitness program today. They ran an obstacle course, walked across a balance beam, jumped over a wall, then army-crawled under a rope!
For lunch we had chicken nuggets, french fries, and the salad bar. We also celebrated Sawyer Mitchell’s birthday with a “skip around the room.” Afterwards, some teens headed to the Spartan training, where they completed push-ups, sit-ups, and other exercises before running the obstacle course.
Halutzim spent time in Israeli culture listening to music in Hebrew and drawing what they thought the song was about. They based their guesses on the Hebrew words they recognized, love and family. When they were finished, they shared their drawings with each other and listened to the song again. Meanwhile, Kineret practiced their baking skills with Israeli chocolate balls!
We enjoyed sloppy joes, corn, falafel pita pockets, and the salad bar for dinner. After that, Sabra headed to the lake for their undernight, then had a story before bed. Teens participated in hockey and basketball sports leagues and had a pool party! Tomorrow is our Sabra/Teen Big Brother Big Sister day trip to Chesnut Ridge! We’ve also got a Halutzim biking day trip and the entire unit is going roller skating tomorrow night! We are also excited to welcome our friends from J&R Day camp for their annual overnight tomorrow!!