June 23, 2019
By Pamela Nestor

Today was a perfect camp day. We woke up to a chilly morning, but it didn’t last long. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky all day! We started activities this morning after a breakfast of waffles and muffins, spending the morning outside in athletics, by the pool, and on the lake enjoying the sun!
We reconvened for a lunch of chicken nuggets, tater tots, and salad bar with celery sticks!! Then we headed right back outside for more athletics and water time. Kineret spent some time in arts and crafts making string art. They dipped the string in different colors of water-color paints and dragged the string across paper. Once the paint dried, campers drew on top of the paint layer.
Drama focused on observational skills today. Campers played games that required them to pay close attention. In one, they sat in a circle and a leader and observer were randomly chosen. The leader performed changing actions that the group would copy. The observer’s job was to figure out who the leader was by catching them changing the movement. It takes patience and a keen eye!
We continued our fun in the sun for dinner, too! We had our first cookout of the summer under the pavilion with burger, hot dogs, pasta salad, watermelon, and more. Then it was time to get ready for Sababa! This week’s Sababa theme is “Under the EKSea.” We are so excited to see what tunes our DJ, Kineret Unit Head, Danny Trompeter, has in store for us.
Kineret and Halutzim went on their Tiyulim day hike at Raven’s Rock today! The teens head out for their overnight trip tomorrow at Dolly Sods, a popular hiking and camping site in West Virginia. Our Robotics program for Kineret and Halutzim starts tomorrow and lasts through Thursday. Our fishing program also kicks off this week. Campers will have the opportunity to go fishing early in the morning or at sundown. We’ve got so many exciting activities going on and we can’t wait to have a blast!