June 30, 2019
Shabbat Shalom!
By Pamela Nestor

We had another great day at EKC! For breakfast we had scrambled eggs, cheese, cereal, and fresh fruit. After shticks around the flagpole, we headed off to activities! Kineret baked Challah while Sabra decorated the dining hall for Shabbat. Today we had our basketball shooting clinic, led by pro shooter Mike Dunn. From Sabra through Teens, groups met on the basketball courts to learn proper shooting techniques all day! We’re excited to have him back again next session. Our first group of Halutzim campers returned from their overnight camping trip this afternoon. They spent the past 2 days at Blackwater Falls. Halutzim camper Ben Werner said, “The overnight was incredible. My favorite part was the scenic overlooks and the pasta with alfredo sauce we made for dinner.”
The past two weeks have flown by! Today we said good-bye to our two-week Sabra and Kineret campers. There were long hugs and many tears as we said our goodbyes after one final lunch together of fish sandwiches, cheese tortellini, and the salad bar. Afterwards, we headed to the pools for free swim and some more time on the basketball courts!
Activities continued, including more Bulk with Holc sessions! Halutzim boys worked with beads and shrinky-dinks in arts and crafts and Sabras finished painting their minions in ceramics. Our musical, “Suessical the Musical” is less than 2 weeks away so many campers were busy rehearsing this afternoon.
We had another beautiful Shabbat service in the amphitheater led by our Halutzim campers and staff. And for the first time in a long time we had brisket for Shabbat dinner! It was so delicious. After a rockin’ song session we headed back to our cabins for Shabbat Sikkums, our end of day wrap up cabin activities. We can’t wait for another fun day tomorrow! Shabbat Shalom!