June 27, 2019
Sunny Day at EKC!
By Pamela Nestor

Breakfast was a camp favorite this morning: pancakes, yogurt, granola, and fresh fruit! After mixing up our parfaits, we headed out for schticks around the flagpole. Halutzim boys played softball this morning before some headed out Blackwater Falls for their overnight!
Campers had the opportunity to work out with Daniel Holc, a personal trainer from the Pittsburgh JCC who is a past EKC camper and staff member! In his “Get Bulk with Holc” workouts, participants had three options: learn the mechanics and technicalities behind lifting, focus on agility and speed, or HIIT (High intensity interval training). Halutzim, teens and even some staff joined Holc today! Each workout is finished with weighted nukems.
For lunch we enjoyed cheese quesadillas and a baked potato bar! Arts and Crafts stayed busy today! They started their day off tie-dyeing with Kineret. Sabras painted pet rocks, teen boys made shrinky-dinks, and Halutzim worked with beads and finished painting the back of the art shed. Tonight, campers will be painting the rocks on the path to the amphitheater as part of their chug called Colorfy Camp!
Sabra campers staying for four weeks were able to audition for the musical, Seussical, today! They all did an incredible job trying out to be Whos and the Wickershams Brothers! Then we headed off to the dining hall for a dinner of chicken stir-fry, fried rice, egg rolls, salad bar, and fortune cookies! Afterwards Sabras relaxed with some yoga before bed!
Tomorrow we say goodbye to our 2-week campers. While we are sad to see them go, we can’t wait for all the fun in the next 2 weeks ahead!