June 25, 2019
The First Sababa & Sabra Free Day
By Pamela Nestor

We had a great time last night dancing the night away at our “Under the EKCSea” themed Sababa! We jammed out to DJ Danny Trumpeter’s playlist. After everyone was danced out, staff met up for a round of trivia, then off to bed!
This morning we had scrambled eggs, oatmeal, fruit, and cereal for breakfast before heading out to the flagpole, guest starring DJ Danny and his daily dance! Then it was off to activities, including hockey, tennis, archery, horseback riding, and drama. At Nosh break, campers wrote letters home to tell their families all about camp!
Today was also Sabra Free Day! All of our Sabra campers got to choose their own activities for the entire morning! They got to choose from horseback back riding, tubing, lake activities, ropes course activities and more! In arts and crafts, they did bubble painting, mixing paint into bubbles and blowing them onto paper. After this lively morning, we met for a lunch of macaroni and cheese, waffle fries, mixed vegetables, and salad bar.
Activities paused for dinner where we enjoyed penne pasta with alfredo sauce and breadsticks. Teens get to participate in leagues and teen night life tonight in the upper ball fields! We’re excited to hear all about the Teens’ overnight Tiyulim trip to Dolly Sods when they get back tomorrow!