July 1, 2019
Week 3 Begins!
By Pamela Nestor

Another week down at EKC! For breakfast we had waffles, muffins, and fresh fruit. After schticks around the flagpole, we headed off to activities. Teens spent their morning on the lake boating, tubing, and swimming.
We were joined today by Splash Water Sports from Pittsburgh! All of our Halutzim campers got to participate in scuba diving lessons. They met at the pool and suited up with scuba gear, oxygen tanks, masks, and fins. They learned the basics of scuba diving and practiced their new skills in the deep end of the pool. Campers even recorded their diving adventures on waterproof GoPro cameras!
After a lunch of chicken nuggets, tater tots, and salad bar, activities continued, including Teen Challenge tug-of-war for the teens, bracelet making for Halutzim, more scuba lessons, and games in the ball fields!
Per Sunday tradition, we enjoyed a cookout at the basketball pavilion with hamburgers, hot dogs, pasta salad, watermelon, and more! As we finished eating, we spread out to the pool and basketball courts to play and enjoy the sunny evening.
Once everyone was finished with dinner, it was time for Sababa! Sabra and Kineret danced their hearts out before heading to their cabins for the night. Halutzim and Teens came in after and continued the high energy!
We can’t believe it’s already week 3! Halutzim is excited for their pool party tomorrow evening, as well as leagues and golfing! A group of Halutzim campers will be heading to Seneca Rock for the Tiyulim trip tomorrow, and teens head to Swaney’s the day after. Tomorrow is Israel Day and we are getting closer to 4th of July! We’ve got another busy week ahead of us!!