July 9, 2019
Color War Final Night
By Pamela Nestor

We were excited to wake up this morning for another day of Color War! We filled up on eggs, cereal, and fresh fruit for breakfast before getting right back into the competition! Teams met at various locations around camp to learn their final cheers and song for tonight, then we were off to competitions!
Halutzim and Teens headed down to the lake for Battle Royale. Blue, green, red, and white teams huddled around empty firepits with colored balloons tied on a rope spanning the width of the pit. The goal was to work as a team to build a fire large enough to pop the balloons and split the rope! Some team members performed tasks, like solving riddles or doing toe-touches, in exchange for tickets. These tickets bought supplies for their fires, like logs, sticks, cardboard, and lighters. The rest of the team worked to build and fan the fire. White was the last team to pop their balloons, but the first to burn the rope!
Afterwards we met at the flagpole. We had a quick dance party before each team’s captains took part in the time honored tradition of climbing the flagpole! Teams cheered their captains on as they scooted up the pole and blew their whistles. Then it was time for (silent) lunch. We ate macaroni and cheese, curly fries, and salad bar. Once we were finished eating, we got ready for tug-of-war finals!
We returned to the soccer field for the last rounds of tug-of-war. Finalists from Round 1 competed again. Even staff competed this time, with the winning staff tugging against head staff! (Head staff won.) We cooled off with free swim until it was dinner time! Dinner was a cookout! We had hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken, pasta salad, and more! We ate under the basketball pavilion, then got ready for the final night of Color War.
We headed to the dining hall for the final night of Color War! Each team had members sing and dance before their final group cheers and songs! Everyone’s performances were incredible! When the teams had finished their performances, art staff debuted this year’s plaques! Emotions were high as team captains saw their names on the plaque for the first time. We had a dance party before announcing this year’s Maccabi Color War winner………