July 8, 2019
Maccabi Color War!
By Pamela Nestor

Maccabi Color War broke last night! What an exciting day and night it was! We hope you enjoy reading the theme and keeping up with the competition on Facebook and Instagram! We had a special wake up with a dance party at the flagpole first thing this morning. For breakfast we had waffles, blueberry muffins, cinnamon rolls, cereal, and fresh fruit to keep our energy up for Color War! After eating, it was straight into morning competitions throughout camp, from soccer, basketball, and volleyball to plaque making, cooking, and trivia.
Teams reconvened for meetings to learn their first cheer before heading to the basketball pavilion. We had a clap game competition; danced some more, then each team sang their cheers. Afterwards it was off to lunch! Today was a silent lunch – which meant teams could lose points for talking. We had chicken nuggets, tater tots, and the salad bar. Immediately following was the preliminary rounds of tug-of-war!
We all met in the upper ballfields by the stables and stood with our teams! We listened to music to get everyone pumped. Red, blue, green, and white teams approached the rope in groups, ready for battle. The sun was shining as each team pulled and tugged, vying for the win. After tugs, we cooled off with free swim.
Last night we also had the signature event of Color War, the Apache Relay! This is a giant relay race all around camp that all campers participate in. Activities range from biking, running and canoeing around the lake, to collecting tennis balls in the pool, leap frog, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and more! White team won!!!
After enjoying sloppy joes for dinner, we had another team meeting to start learning our final night song and cheer for the evening bonfire. After each team presented their cheers, for the first time in EKC history, teams found out who was in the lead on the first night! Counselors opened a box and white balloons floated up into the sky, marking White team in first place! Halutzim and Teens kept competing late into the night with their “Into the Dark” program.
We’ve got a busy day of competition tomorrow and our final night festivities to look forward to. Stay tuned!