July 17, 2019
Big Brother, Big Sister!
By Pamela Nestor

Sabra campers joined Teens in the Sukkah yesterday before dinner for Big Brother, Big Sister! Unit heads Jordan and Aaron handed campers a notecard with an animal written on it. To find their big or little sibling, they made the sound of the animal written on their card! Campers clucked, mooed, and baa-ed until they found their each other.
Their first activity together was a game of 20 Questions, like “if you could have any superpower, what would it be?” After they got to know each other a little, they played team rock-paper-scissors! Big and little sibling teams planned their game strategies, challenging each other and absorbing the losing team, until there was only one, big team!
Jordan said big and little siblings were paired based on who they would get along with the best and be the most comfortable with. Throughout the rest of the summer, the teen and sabra ‘siblings’ will enjoy activities and programs around camp, including a day hiking trip with a picnic. They’re excited to spend the next three weeks bonding and hanging out!