July 12, 2019
One More Day!
By Pamela Nestor

This morning was a camp favorite for breakfast: french toast sticks! There was also cereal, fresh fruit, and oatmeal. After some packing, we headed off to activities. Halutzim boys played hockey under the pavilion and basketball at the courts. Teen girls learned to use needle nose pliers to bend wire for jewelry in arts and crafts. They used new glass beads and wire to make earrings! Meanwhile, Kineret boys got fit in the gym, learning how to properly use the exercise bikes and punch the bag.
For lunch we had cheese quesadillas with salsa, the salad bar, and a baked potato bar with all the fixings: sour cream, cheese, salsa, and even brown sugar for those who prefer them sweet! Afterwards, Park 9 boys played board games and kickball. Teen boys headed to the gym for some fitness, where they learned punching techniques and how to do weighted push-ups. It’s another warm one at EKC, so the pool has stayed busy all day!
Sabra boys worked hard on shrinky-dinks in arts and crafts today. They made a sign for their cabin and signed it! Will made a chocolate bar with a bite out and two of his cabin mates traced their and shrunk it! Meanwhile teen girls were working with beads to make jewelry.
We ate cheese lasagna, garlic bread, and the salad bar for dinner. Right after was the camp musical, Seussical! We gathered in the playhouse to watch their performances and applaud their hard work and effort!! Then it was time for the camp concert, which was equally incredible. We watched Caleb’s Color War Video to end the evening’s celebrations.
The teens headed to the pavilion to finish up their teen challenge! They got with their teams and performed their dances and songs, as well as presented plaques to their team captains. We have one more very full day tomorrow, including the awards ceremony, league championships, and the final bonfire! Halutzim will have an ice cream social and the teens will close their night with a banquet.