July 21, 2019
Teen Tikkun Olam
By Alex Malanych

We are so excited this summer to be undertaking a brand new tikkun olam program with our teen campers! While shaping leaders has always been part of EKC’s mission, we wanted to create more opportunities for our campers to affect positive changes while at camp. Teen 1 campers will be participating in off-site projects that serve the greater Morgantown community. Some will be reading with a literacy program for elementary students, working to clean up the environment, or working with a local homeless shelter to provide meals.
In addition, all teens have begun proposing in-camp tikkun olam programs meant to to elevate and inspire repairing the world at EKC. During our morning shabbat program, we asked teens to think together about positive ways they could impact life at EKC and engage all different levels of tikkun olam at camp: education, advocacy, service, and mitzvot. For example, some quads suggested “random acts of kindness” like “delivering food to the nurses so that Paula [our camper care specialist and wellness director] doesn’t have to.” Others suggested “repainting old signs” to enhance camp’s natural beauty. Some suggested a Jewish library to inspire unit services and a plaque to remember those who have gone to camp and since passed. Whatever projects they eventually decide on, we are looking forward to sharing pictures of our progress in the coming weeks. Shavua Tov from EKC!