July 25, 2019
What a Day!
By Administrator

It was another gorgeous day here at EKC. For breakfast we ate pancakes with syrup, fresh fruit, cereal, and yogurt with granola. While our Teen 2 (10th grade) campers are on their trip to Washington DC and Hershey Park, our Teen 1’s are busy with their Tikkun Olam projects. Many of our campers spent time volunteering at local organizations in Morgantown yesterday and today. Campers helped set up for annual party at the Ronald McDonald House, while others participated in a summer reading, art and nutrition program at Energy Express.
The rest of our campers enjoyed a regular day of activities. Kineret campers had fun at the lake, bouncing on the trampoline and canoeing! Teen boys played volleyball and showed off their setting skills. Halutzim boys worked on their aim with some target practice.
Kineret boys learned different strokes during instructional swim. Halutzim girls ziplined at the ropes course and timed themselves to see how quickly they could complete the course! The quickest time was just under four minutes- great job, girls! Kineret girls stretched in Dance class before playing formations, a game when the music stops teams must form the objects Masie yells, like “hairbrush” and “whisk.” Camper care specialist Danny posed as water bottle!
We ate flatbread cheese pizza, waffle fries, and the salad bar- a camp favorite! Bulk with Holc is in camp today, working out with campers! They gathered outside the gym and worked with weights. Campers were also in the pools for free swim, diving off the diving boards and playing water football and basketball.
Teen boys worked hard in the kitchen today! They made macaroni and cheese, first shredding the cheese and mixing all of the dry ingredients together. At the other end of the table, campers were mixing cookie dough! They preheated their oven and started the sauce for the macaroni and cheese on the stove. Everything turned out great!
Other Kineret campers returned from their Tiyulim overnight to Seneca Rock. Kineret camper, Ethan Bleiweiss, attended the trip. This was his first time going camping and first time sleeping in a tent. Ethan said, “my favorite part was hiking to the highest point in West Virginia, and having smores by the campfire.” Ethan also said he learned to pitch a tent, which wasn’t as hard as he thought it would be.
We ate chicken vegetable stir fry with sweet and sour chicken, vegetarian fried rice and egg rolls, and the salad bar. The teen pool party is tonight, as well as the Sabra undernight! Tomorrow Mike Dunn will be back to host a shooting camp for this session, too!