July 23, 2019
What a full day!
By Pamela Nestor

This morning for breakfast we ate scrambled eggs with cheese, oatmeal, cereal, and fresh fruit. After schticks at the flagpole, teen boys played a game of basketball at the courts. Meanwhile, Kineret campers worked on jewelry in arts & crafts. Campers in drama continued their lessons in stage combat. They learned the proper ways to fall to the side and back, practiced punching, determined the best angles on stage, and performed a choreographed fight! (Watch them in the videos on our Facebook and Instagram stories!)
Gesher campers made pipe-cleaner animals in arts & crafts today. They curled colorful pipe-cleaners around popsicle sticks to make alligators, butterflies, and more! In dance class, Kineret boys played red light- green light, crouch-dance, and stretched. Beside them, campers in the kitchen cooked crepes! They topped them with whipped cream, Nutella, and fresh strawberries!
For lunch we ate macaroni and cheese, curly fries, and the salad bar. Then it was time for free swim! Everyone gathered at the pool, some campers did tricks off the diving board, others played water basketball or different games. Afterwards, Kineret campers played ultimate frisbee in the upper ballfields!
Teen 1 girls met in the pavilion for a riveting game of ‘World Cup’ hockey. There were several teams, each being a different country! Each time a player hit the ball, they had to yell out their respective country. They played in the style of world cup, with Canada being the ultimate winner!! Before dinner, we all headed to programs with our units!
We enjoyed beef and chicken tacos, fiesta rice and veggies, noodles, salad bar, and chips for dinner! Kineret returned from their first overnight trip this week in time to eat with us. They had a great trip! They set up their tent last night and made alfredo pasta with garlic bread. The next morning they hiked up a trail that overlooked Seneca Rocks!
We’re so excited for Israel Day!!